
If you want to use Top % Holders filter in AFK settings, you MUST set a GPA enabled node!

Send Txs Node Mode:

Distribute: if you set for example 50 transactions to send, with this mode all those 50 will be distributed among the nodes you have set, meaning all nodes will circulate. This can be used in order not to get rate limited with nodes that have low tps.

Propagation: if you set for example 50 transactions to send, bot will send the same exact 50 transactions to all the nodes you have set. It doesn't mean that 150 can be included or fail, but only 50. This mode is used for faster confirmation time.

Make sure to edit the Nodes.csv file in order to set your nodes! Must use a software like RonsEditor in order to use the correct format for the file!

Nodes.csv file:








Make sure to edit this file! This is how the file should look like when using a csv editor software.

  • Discord Webhook URL: Discord Webhook used to send FourBot alerts. Here is a video on how to create a webhook.

  • Jito Block Engine Region: type any of the displayed regions which is the closest to you.

  • Send Tx Mode: type distribute or propagate in order to use one of the 2 modes.

  • Node Retries Amount: value corresponding to the maximum number of retries per transaction. Set -1 to use node's default settings or if you don't what this settings does.

  • Transaction Request Timeout in Milliseconds: client timeouts set a limit on how long they are willing to wait for a response to come back. For good nodes you could use a value of 50 or lower, for a basic/normal node better to use a higher value like 500.

  • Wrap / Unwrap Node URL: node URL used to wrap or unwrap SOL in wallets tab.

  • Wrap / Unwrap Priority Fee in SOL: value corresponding to the fee used on wrap / unwrap transactions.

  • Delete Position After 0 Holdings: value in seconds corresponding to the number of time to make the bot wait before deleting your positions where you have 0 holdings. Set 0 in order to never make the bot delete positions.

  • Show Prices on Success: type yes or no to make the webhook show price or not.

  • Ping Webhook Every X Minutes: value corresponding to the range of time that passes among webhook pings. Set 0 to disable this setting.

Last updated